Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Money Conquers Love" by Galen Green (1986 Song Lyric)


Money conquers all.
It bends the oak of unspeakable truth.
Money is the wrench that twists the brains of lovers
Upon their pillows. There’s a thirst lurks inside
Only money can quench.
But don’t bother looking for money deep in the green wood.
Don’t waste your life digging beneath the briar.
For money flows freely, far beneath this river,
To those who inherit it, easy as fire.

Money, sex and power are the hurricanes which rip through
The temples of peace, like plagues, like poisons.
Money conquers all, and so we swallow its lies,
Which lead us into these hellish seasons.
Money buys health and youth and life and leather.
Don’t let them tell you different. Even in China,
Money remains the shield around the skull
and the main string
Between the lingum and the yoni.

Money glares down at us like a judge from its bench and
Will not weep or bend like a wind or a willow.
We glut our guts on money until we’re broke,
Then whore for more until we’re thin and hollow.
Money even supercedes the quest for bosoms.
Eyes, lips, flesh — even the airplane of love,-
Even passion’s ocean’s shallow by comparison to
Money’s deep champagne.

My love, bright love, it’s to your touch I aspire.
Yet I lack the money to put you into the mood for
The respect I need to win the favor of the glutton
Within you to whom money is food.
Money, sex and power, in Carolina, and here
Are all one word, slurred together.
My love, bright love, it’s you
to whom these dull brains point,
As I watch money buy even the weather.

Money conquers love. And so I follow you, bright love,
Into the heat to soak up what wealth might
Let me be your lover, if only just long enough to
Learn to tolerate this joke.
Money conquers love. And so I follow you, bright love,
Into the heat to soak up what wealth might
Let me be your lover, if only just long enough to
Learn to tolerate this joke.

Words and Music by Galen Green c 1986

Galen at 4 -- Prior to Her Sex Change (circa 1953)